ProntoCSS is a minimalist CSS framework based on flexbox and written in Sass. Although you can use the minified dist version of the framework, we really suggest that you include it as a Sass dependency. There are a lot of comments in the pronto/_variables.scss file and you should use them as much as you can.


There are multiple ways to get ProntoCSS:

You can also use your favorite package manager to download the framework:

yarn add prontocss
npm install --save prontocss
bower install --save prontocss

The basics

ProntoCSS has been created to allow a fast usage with standard variables or a completely customizable experience: every property has a class that can be used in Sass or in Html.

The colors

Default colors

Default base colors are #FC585A and #1682FB.

The default color will be the second one (unless you change it in $default-color).

For convenience, we added black, white.

Here is the use for the default color :

  • .bg will change the background with the default color
  • .txt will change the text with the default color
  • .brd will add a border with the default color
You can also add suffixes to all these properties to change the color:
  • .bg-white will set a white background
  • .bg-black will set a black background
  • .bg-1 will set a background with the first color (by default #FC585A)

Custom colors

Black and white will always exist but you can add as many colors as you want, then just refer to them using their index, like .bg-4 if you have 4 colors in the $colors Sass variable.

The grid

Responsive & Fluid by default

The container is fluid by default. It will max up to 1200px until you change $container-max-width to an other value or to none.

Responsive modifiers enable specifying different column sizes, offsets, alignment and distribution at s & m (by default) viewport widths.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-s-12 col-m-6">


Offset a column

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-s-offset-3 col-s-9">

Auto Width

Add any number of auto sizing columns to a row. Let the flexbox grid figure it out.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-s">

Nested Grids

Nest grids inside grids inside grids.

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-s">
        <div class="box">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-s">


Add classes to align elements to the start or end of a row as well as the top, bottom, or center of a column


<div class="row start-s">
    <div class="col-s-4">


<div class="row center-s">
    <div class="col-s-4">


<div class="row end-s">
    <div class="col-s-4">


<div class="row top-s">
    <div class="col-s-6">


<div class="row middle-s">
    <div class="col-s-6">


<div class="row bottom-s">
    <div class="col-s-6">


Add classes to distribute the contents of a row or column.


<div class="row around-s">
    <div class="col-s-2">
    <div class="col-s-2">
    <div class="col-s-2">


<div class="row between-s">
    <div class="col-s-2">
    <div class="col-s-2">
    <div class="col-s-2">

The variables

Here are all the variables that you can override.

Variable Default Value Details
$colors #FC585A #1682FB Colors of the page. You can add as many as you want here.
$main-color nth($colors, 1) Main color of the page.
$default-color nth($colors, 2) Default color of the page. Will be the 2nd color, if not set otherwise.
$black-color #000000 Black color placeholder
$white-color #FFFFFF White color placeholder
$border-size 1px Size of the border for default components
$border-type solid Type of border for default components
$border-radius 2px How round do you want your components?
$padding 1rem Padding
$inline-padding .2rem Padding between lines
$font-family-headers 'Quicksand', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif Default font for headers
$font-family 'Raleway', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif Default font
$font-size-headers 3rem Base size for the headers (this will be the biggest, all the smaller headers will be calculated based on this).
$font-size 1rem Base size for the regular fonts
$container-max-width 1200px Container width, you can use 'none' if you want a full width page.
$grid-columns 12 Number of columns per row
$gutter-width 1rem Gutter between columns
$outer-margin 2rem Margin for the container sides
$breakpoints s 0em,m 62em Position of each breakpoints, you can add as many as you like or change the name of the styles ("s" can be "small" for example).